Permanent makeup is NOT recommended for any clients who have the following below:

* Pregnant or nursing
* Diabetic
* Chemotherapy (consult your doctor)
* Viral infections and/or diseases
* Epilepsy
* Pacemaker or major heart problems
* Organ transplant
* Skin irritations or Psoriasis near the treated area (rashes, sunburn, acne, etc.)
* Sick (cold, flu, etc.)
* Botox in the past 2 weeks

Additional Information

Please be aware that the result of the procedure is depending the following: Medication and health conditions, Skin Conditions –  i.e. oily and poor skin, very dry/flaky skin, sun-damaged skin, loose or laxed skin, Natural skin undertones, Alcohol intake and smoking, General stress, immune system, Poor diet and not following the aftercare instructions, may affect your healed results.
Antacids, thyroid and anxiety medications have been reported as interfering with permanent makeup either by affecting retention or shifting the pigment to an undesirable tone. Remember, everything we eat and drink have their own chemical structure and the electron ends that are unattached or free, may get attached to others compounds inside the body forming a new molecule that may show a different color spectrum. With that info, an educated client may have better expectation and know that she / he may need more frequent adjustments that others. The better condition your skin is in, the better the final result will be. Mature clients may need an additional one to two weeks healing for the final results to appear. The better you take care of your skin and protect it from UV rays, the better the outcome and lifespan of the permanent cosmetic procedures.